Art contest in Guimarães, Portugal 6000 $ to win 2022
CONTEXTILE invites all artists, national and internationally, to present artworks for selection to the International Exhibition (competitive), integrated in the programme of its 6th Edition, Contextile 2022 – Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, which will take place in the city of Guimarães, Portugal, from the 3rd September to the 30th October 2022.
In 2022, the Contextile biennial focuses its activities on the thematic concept that will be transversal to all the rubrics of its programmatic contents. (see concept in the Biennial’s presentation text, menu BIENNIAL).
The International Competitive Exhibition will be composed by 50 artworks from 50 artists. Will also be accepted and selected 2 artworks for implementation in the outdoors (public space).
The jury will also award an Acquisition Prize of €6.000,00 (six thousand Euros) and Honourable Mentions, at the moment of the biennial’s opening.
The 50 works of the international exhibition may also be selected, during the biennial, for the ATP Acquisition prize and the ASM Acquisition prize, in the amount of €2.500,00 (two thousand and five hundred euros) each.
Application deadline: 05.03.2022