Art contest: First place winner medium Copper, Artist: E.M Mahesh chathuranga Ekanayaka, September edition 2020.

Artist: E.M Mahesh chathuranga Ekanayaka
Country: Sri Lanka
Zip-code : 50100
Born 1992 and lives in Kekirawa, Sri Lanka. I am a temporary lecturer in the department of sculpture at the University of visual and performing arts, Colombo Sri Lanka, visiting lecturer in the University of Visual and performing arts, Colombo Sri Lanka. And all so visiting lecturer ‘’JANAKALA KENDRAY’’ Colombo Sri Lanka. I received my BFA in sculpture in 2017 from the University of visual and performing arts. I have held several solo and group exhibition in Sri Lanka. I have won national awards in the field of sculpture and have created sculptures using various media. My artwork has been purchased by scholars around the world
My solo exhibition
•       Painting and sculpture exhibition ‘’SILAWAS ABIMAN DHEKMA’’ , Kekirawa, Sri Lanka.,2018
Group exhibition
•       visual art exhibition ‘’DEEPA ABIMANI’’ , Colombo, Sri Lanka,2016
•       State Art and Sculpture exhibition, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2017
•       Art Fair exhibition (The George Kit Foundation) , Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2017
•       State Art and Sculpture exhibition, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2018
•       Art Fair exhibition (The George Kit Foundation) , Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2018
•       State Art and Sculpture exhibition, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2019
•       Art Fair exhibition (The George Kit Foundation) , Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2019
•       Art Fair exhibition (The George Kit Foundation) , Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2020
•       All island art competition ‘’ATLAS SITHRU’’ Sri Lanka, 1st place , 2008
•       All island school art competition,  Sri Lanka, 3rd place , 2008
•       All island art competition ‘’WARNA MANGALYA’’ Sri Lanka, 2nd  place , 2011
•       State Art and Sculpture festival, Sri Lanka, creative sculpture category, Award of Excellence ,2017
•       State Art and Sculpture festival, Sri Lanka, traditional sculpture category, Award of Excellence ,2017
•       State Art and Sculpture festival, Sri Lanka, creative sculpture category, Award of Excellence ,2018
•       State Art and Sculpture festival, Sri Lanka, traditional sculpture category, Award of Excellence ,2018
•       ‘’GAMPOLA ERA BUDHDHA STATU’’ book,2018
•       International research symposium Sri Lanka 2019 ‘’A REVIEW ON GAMPOLA ERA DOOR DECORATION CARVING’’ research paper publication.
artwork: Man Destructing the Nature
Medium : Copper
Dimensions : Humans can be considered as one link of nature and the existence of the mankind depends on nature as well. According to a proposal at United Nations Conference in 1992 held in Sweden, June 5th has been declared as the World Environmental Day. The concept behind this, is the fact that the existence of the mankind and other organisms depend on the existence of nature, thus we have a huge responsibility in protecting the nature.  In this art piece, I am describing in detail, the man who has assumed an identity of a character going against the nature rather than being his true self. When studying a human being, we can identify the vascular system spreading throughout the body. Having the heart as the center, this vascular system spreads through the body dividing like branches of a tree.  This is one of the wonderful processes the nature has created inside the human body. In my art piece, I have given the symbolic shape to the heart and since it is the most important part of the human body, it was created as a bright object.  The two main arteries that transport blood from the heart to the body are portrayed as branches of a tree, trying to represent the natural environment. It shows well that, even though the man kept on destroying nature, his vital energy still sprouts and grows inside his body.  In the present world, lot of severe destructions and natural disasters have happened due to irresponsible human activities. Even knowing that the existence of mankind depends on the existence of nature, the humans live in disguise, totally ignoring that fact.  In my creation, the human figure is wearing a Sri Lankan devil dancing mask.  It represents the present Sri Lankan, disguised as a devil, disturbing the nature.  Sri Lanka has been known around the world as a country with small incidents of natural disasters. But now it is becoming a prey for nature as it has not been during entire Sri Lankan history. Nature is answering to human being who is going against it.   Landslides, floods, various epidemics like the Coronavirus that has spread throughout the world, are the outcomes of irresponsible human activities against the nature.  Through my art piece, I was attempting to create a three-dimensional object to portray the above-mentioned concept.

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