Art residency in switzerland Cern Program

Arts at CERN launches a new call for Collide, its flagship residency programme, in partnership with the City of Barcelona. Artists from all around the world are invited to submit their proposals for a research-led residency. The laureate, an individual artist or artistic collective, will be invited to spend three months dedicated to artistic research and exploration between CERN and Barcelona.

Collide calls for artists inspired by the processes of fundamental science and interested in interacting with the scientific communities at CERN and Barcelona. We invite proposals that focus on the artist’s current practice and are open to working with physicists, engineers, IT experts and laboratory staff.

The selected artist or artistic collective will receive a three-month fully funded residency award that will allow them to spend two months at CERN in Geneva, followed by one month in Barcelona (not necessarily consecutively), hosted at Hangar Centre for Art Research and Production in Barcelona and in connection with the city’s scientific laboratories. The scope of the artist’s proposal should include a research period to be developed at CERN and a second developmental phase in Barcelona, where the artists will have the opportunity to expand their research through Barcelona’s rich scientific and cultural network, as well as to engage with a wide range of communities.

The award includes the following support and conditions:

− 15 000 Swiss Francs as a research and artistic production award.

− Personal allowance for two months at CERN in Geneva and one month in Barcelona.

− Travel and accommodation costs within a fixed budget for the three months of the artistic residency at CERN and in Barcelona.

The recipient of the residency award will be expected to:
− Engage in research based on the proposal submitted to the Collide Call for Entries.
− Meet regularly with the CERN scientific partner(s) to discuss the process of artistic research, exploration and discovery, and additionally work with other scientists.
− Establish dialogue with scientists and researchers at the research centres, universities, and factories of creativity, with the support and guidance of the team from the Institute of Culture of Barcelona (ICUB) and other scientific institutions in Barcelona.
− Give one talk in both locations during the residency.
− Communicate regularly with the curators and teams of Arts at CERN and Hangar Centre for Art Research and Production.
− Deliver a residency report after the residency is completed in both locations.
− Finalise the artwork resulting from the residency within up to six months following the residency period.Prize summary: 15000 Swiss FrancsPrizes Details: 

The selected artist or artistic collective will receive a three-month fully funded residency award that will allow them to spend two months at CERN in Geneva, followed by one month in Barcelona where they can expand their research and engage with the scientific laboratories of the city while being hosted at Hangar Centre for Art Research and Production in Barcelona.

The award includes:

− 15 000 Swiss Francs as a research and artistic production award.

− Personal allowance for two months at CERN in Geneva and one month in Barcelona.

− Travel and accommodation costs within a fixed budget for the three months of the artistic residency at CERN and in Barcelona.Deadline: 11/22/2021How to Apply: 

Artists intending to apply shall submit a proposal adhering to the criteria of the call. The application should be written in English and submitted via the online form that can be found at Arts at CERN’s website. The submission form contains three stages that will request the following information:

1) Personal data: name, name of the collective (if relevant), representative of the collective (if relevant), data and country of birth, current address, email address, phone number.

2) Professional data: website, CV or detailed biography, project title, project summary, project description, project motivation, artistic portfolio, video URL* and video password* of the video (if required).

*Please read the instructions carefully for the video URL and the video password: You must accompany your proposal with a video statement (no longer than five minutes) defending the relevance of the intended project. The video must be uploaded to a web platform such as Vimeo, YouTube, or any similar platform we can have access to. We do not accept files sharing websites that temporarily host the files, such as WeTransfer, or similar. You will have to provide us with the video URL. If the video is private, you must provide us with the password as well. Please, be aware that we will not accept a password for your account; the video password must exclusively correspond to the video for the proposal. Please, add both the video URL and the video password in the relevant fields of the submission form.

3) Confirmation and final submission. Before final submission, you will have to confirm the Conditions of the Call and the Privacy Policy. Once the submission is confirmed, it will be final, and you will not be able to edit it. We will not accept submissions or any additional material via email. Once the submission is submitted, a confirmation email will arrive at your inbox.Contact Information: 

arts.collide@cern.chWeb Link:

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