i-Portunus Houses Fund for Artists across Europe and UK

Call for Applications:23 August 2021
Submission Deadline:3 October 2021 (24:00 CEST)
Notifications of Results:8 November 2021
Earliest date of Departure:1 December 2021
Latest date of Return:31 May 2022

For whom?

i-Portunus Houses is open to host organisations or established individual artists/cultural professionals to team up with 2 to 5 artists and/or cultural professionals, legally residing in different Creative Europe countries + UK, with the intention to work together on one or more collaboration projects. The scheme is open for all cultural sectors (except audio-visual disciplines that would fit the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme).

To find team members, or to team up with a host, you can register for one of our online matching sessions during the Market Square events.

For what?

This scheme puts focus on hosts underlining their value in providing efficient and ‘safe’ residencies & working environments for artists/cultural professionals. i-Portunus Houses provides financial support to the host for sub-granting the cost of mobility (transport, accommodation etc.) to their receiving artists/cultural professionals (team members). Hosts can apply for one collaboration project with up to 5 artists/cultural professionals or up to 5 collaboration projects engaging a minimum of 1 artist/cultural professional per collaboration project. Hosts have to receive a minimum of 2 artist/cultural professionals in total.

The main objective of your collaboration project has to be one of the following:

  • Create: (co-)creation of artistic work, production, performance
  • Connect: networking, internationalisation
  • Learn: increase competences, professional development
  • Explore: research, future collaborations/projects


Within this scheme hosts can apply for collaboration projects consisting of physical mobility or of a mix of physical mobility and virtual participation (so called blended mobility). Hosts cannot apply for virtual participation only! In total, i-Portunus Houses will invest a maximum of 30% of the mobility budget (500,000 euros) into virtual participation.

How much?
The conditions of funding are the following:

  • As the main applicant, the host receives the complete grant for all collaboration projects and submitted team members.
  • Of the total amount, only 10% can be claimed by the host itself.
  • The rest of the awarded grant needs to be sub-granted according to the type of mobilities requested in the application. 
  • There are different amounts to be requested for physical mobilities or virtual participation (with the virtual participation only as part of a blended mobility) .

Physical Mobility:

  • For physical mobilities, team members receive a minimum of 1500 EUR to complete a mobility of minimum 7 days (including travel). For each extra day of mobility, another 30 EUR will be awarded to the sub-grant, with a maximum of 3000 EUR for each team member.
  • For physical mobilities, the host can claim for itself a maximum of 10% on top of the total of the sub-grants requested in the proposal as provision costs.
  • Each team member can be sub-granted a maximum of 3000 EUR in total.

Virtual Participation:

  • Support for virtual participation can only be rewarded in combination with a collaboration project including physical mobility.
  • A sub-grant for virtual participation will only be granted to a non-travelling team member of a group, and only once.
  • Each host can claim a maximum of 1 hosting fee in total, once virtual participation becomes part of their collaboration project.
  • There are different amounts to sub-grant for virtual participation, depending on the focus of the collaboration projects as submitted in the proposal.
Physical MobilityMinimum (7 days)Every extra day
Provision costs host
(max. 5x)
150 EUR3 EUR
Team member: artist/cultural professionals
(sub-grant of 3.000 EUR max. pp)
1.500 EUR30 EUR

Virtual Participation (part of mix)Amount
Virtual host (depending on focus of project)
(max. 1x)
100 | 150 EUR
Create | production costs, hardware, software
(sub-grant for non-travelling team member)
1.500 EUR
Connect | software, facilitation fees
(sub-grant for non-travelling team member)
1.000 EUR
Learn | training, facilitation fees, software
(sub-grant for non-travelling team member)
1.000 EUR
Explore | research, tools
(sub-grant for non-travelling team member)
1.000 EUR

Example Calculation Blended Mobility:
Team with collaboration project focusing on Connect:
1 host + 2 travelling team members (A/B) + 1 non-travelling team member (C)

Team member A visits 9 days (incl. travel) and will receive (physical mobility)1.500 EUR + 2x 30 EUR1.560 EUR
Team member B visits 11 days (incl travel) and will receive (physical mobility)1.500 EUR + 4x 30 EUR1.620 EUR
Team member C joins online and will receive (virtual participation)1.000 EUR1.000 EUR
Host 10%150 EUR + 2x 3 EUR
150 EUR + 4x 3 EUR
100 EUR
418 EUR
TOTAL granted to host
(incl. sub-grants to team members)
4.598 EUR

The total budget earmarked for the i-Portunus Houses mobility support is 500.000,00 EUR of which a maximum of 30% will be awarded to virtual participation (as part of a mixed mobility proposal). With this budget i-Portunus Houses aims to fund at least one host from every Creative Europe Country + UK. i-Portunus Houses reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

Individuals with a disability
Additional mobility support can be provided to hosts that invite artists/cultural professionals with a disability. In this case, the applicant should self-declare their access needs and financial support will be based on a case-by-case basis. i-Portunus Houses will ask for receipts of these additional costs.

What should the money be spent on?
i-Portunus Houses mobility support is intended to help hosts to cover the expenses for the mobility of their team members. (f.e. transport, accommodation, subsistence for physical mobilities | production costs, software, facilitation fees for virtual participation), plus provision costs for the host itself consisting of max. 10%.

Apply Now

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