Artist: Ulf König; Artwork: Complex City Complex I – Leaning Skyscrapers. Merit Award; April 2021 edition.
Artist: Ulf König
Country : Germany
Ulf Koenig’s Biography:
Ulf Koenig lives in the City of Ulm, south of Germany. Since 2004 he works as a self-educated freelance artist and designer. Ulf’s artworks mainly address technology and architecture, reflecting his background in R&D-management. During his career as an artist he has participated in around 50 solo- and group-exhibitions in Europe, Canada, USA, received 12 honors and awards, and has published in 6 art-magazines. In order to combine fine art with novel technologies, Ulf has founded 2 interdisciplinary artists collectives.
Ulf Koenig’s Statement
Art meets Architecture and Physics! Ulf’s sculptures of his series “deformed architecture” – including the head-high wall sculptures “Complex City Complexes” – are composed of tilted space bodies. They are inspired by worldwide extraordinary designs of leaning skyscrapers like the “Puerta de Europa, Madrid”, the “Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi”, and by a lot of related architects concepts, furthermore by modern densely built skyscraper complexes like the “Moscow International Business Center”.
An essential feature of Ulf’s sculptures results from applying physics aspect: if one would fly with a very high, relativistic speed towards skyscrapers one would see the buildings just in such extreme inclinations as the elements in the artworks. This distinctive accentuation of a three-dimensionality shall stimulate art-lovers to walk around the sculptures, to experience the aesthetics and the dynamic of the composition and to play with perspectives.
The style of the wall sculptures is constructivist, in terms of strictly geometrical forms and primary colors, in addition to black and white which match or alternatively contrast to the artwork’s background.
Artwork: Complex City Complex I – Leaning Skyscrapers
Medium : mixed-media wall sculpture
Dimensions : 174 x 100 x 29 cm