Art Fellowship for artists offered by Mekang Cultural hub:

About the fellowship:  

Mekang Cultural hub offers 10 Art Fellowship for artists from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

Mekang Cultural hub supports projects that contribute to sustainable development in South east Asia.


Varies according to edition

Application requirements:

Artist from one of the following countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

-project related to sustainable development.

Application documents:

 varies according to the call (artist cv, motivation letter, project details, ..)

Entry Fees:



The program is an opportunity develop yourself, to develop and work with others, and to make an impact on society:

1.Skills and personal development:

presentation skills, advocacy & influencing skills, entrepreneurial thinking, individual personal development plan and dialogue and development from mentors & inspiring speakers from different sectors

2.Partnership development:

new professional and personal networks through collaborative working, regional travel and peer mentoring

3.Knowledge and values:

Exposure to the diverse histories, social, economic and cultural context of SEA through travel to four Asian countries during the one-year program and a deeper understanding of the unique role that arts & culture can play in the South East Asia’s sustainable development

Art Fellowship link

Learn more about the organisation:

Mekong Cultural Hub (MCH) is an exciting new organisation, set up to offer personal and professional development opportunities for creative cultural practitioners in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand and to build sustainable networks around Asia. Programs will include workshops, exchange, training and networking, and will involve participants and practitioners from Taiwan, as well as other South-East Asian countries on particular programs.

MCH serves people who are working at the intersection of arts and society. It aims to support creative practitioners who are already established in their own contexts and are ready to widen their networks and their impact by developing regional projects and collaboration. One of the first projects of Mekong Cultural Hub in 2018 will be a Mekong Mapping, to learn more about the situation of cultural practitioners in our region and to develop a strong foundation for a network. We also plan to launch a “regional cultural leadership program” in partnership with British Council.

In its first year, MCH is supported by Ministry of Culture Taiwan (R.O.C.) and Fresh Sound Foundation, and collaborating with British Council. MCH is a sister organisation of Cambodian Living Arts, which has been working in Cambodia since 1998, and has a mission to be a catalyst in a vibrant arts sector in Cambodia. Both MCH and CLA share the belief that arts are at the heart of a vital society, and this spirit is reflected throughout our programs.

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