Two months Art residency in Germany for artists.


The SV SparkassenVersicherung and the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen, together with the Kreissparkasse Saale-Orla and the Sparkassenstiftung Sömmerda, offer a scholarship for artists in rural areas. The scholarship cover all expenses (accommodation +1500 monthly).

Status: Closed.

 The art grant supports

Worldwide artists.

Number of awards

Not mentioned

Intake Place

•   Schleiz (Saale-Orla district)

•   Kannawurf (Sömmerda district)


1st June 2021.

Amount of the grant:

accommodation +1500 monthly

Duration of the art residency:



The art residency supports artists in rural areas.

The scholarship is aimed at artists working in the fields of
• Fine arts (all genres and genres)
• Literature (all genres and genres)
• Performing arts (only Kannawurf)

ARTIST Residency LINK:

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