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Travel scholarship Norway photo and film 2023

 Win 1-of-3 photo and film trips to chase the Northern Lights! Worth over $15,000 USD!

Want to level up your travel photography or filmmaking?

We’re looking for 3 aspiring visual storytellers to send on assignment to Norway to capture the country’s stunning coastline. On the 9-day trip, you’ll chase the Northern Lights aboard a Hurtigruten Norwegian Coa

stal Express voyage, receive mentoring from award-winning creatives Dan and Zora Avila, and shoot with new gear thanks to Fujifilm, Think Tank and more.

Prize includes

International flights

Round-trip airfare from your closest international airport to Norway, plus 500kg of carbon removal thanks to Tomorrow’s Air

Hurtigruten voyage

9-day ‘North Cape Express’ Half Voyage from Bergen to Tromsø, worth $8,193 USD

Professional mentorship

Photography & filmmaking coaching on trip by the Travel Shooters, Dan and Zora Avila

Fujifilm camera

Fujifilm X-T5 camera and FUJINON XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS lens kit, worth $2,399 USD

Camera bags & Spending money

Think Tank camera bags worth $495 USD, plus $500 USD towards your trip thanks to Adventure.Travel

Travel insurance

Travel safer and smarter with $150 USD toward your travel insurance

How it works

  1. Capture a travel story

Select up to 5 photos or a 30-second video*, that captures a story about a place you’ve visited. This can be your new or existing work and must be publicly accessible.

  1. Share it with us

Fill in the form, add a link to your photo/s or video* (can be on social media, cloud storage, blog etc) and tell us the story and process behind it in 150 words or less.

  1. Submit your entry

Congratulations, you’re in the running! We’ll shortlist our favorites, meet them via Zoom and choose our 3 scholarship winners.

Enter Now

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