The International Festival of Comics and Games Contest in Łódź, Poland

Art Contest Title: The International Festival of Comics and Games Contest in Łódź, Poland

Application deadline: The deadline for this year is July 31, 2019.

Eligibility: open to anyone.

Contest Category:

The contest is held annually by the International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź, Poland.

The International Festival of Comics and Games features various competitions and contests. One of them is the competition for a short comics story, where participants prepare a comics, up to 8 pages long. It has been organized since 1991. The participants compete for the Grand Prix, 3 prizes and 3 special awards. 

You may submit a short comic story, up to 8 pages. There is no theme.

The following techniques are allowed: drawing, painting, digital art and photography.

Application Steps:

 1. A participant can submit one complete and full story, up to 8 pages.

 2. By ‘participant’ we understand: one person responsible for the story and drawings; a duo of artists; a larger group of artists. One artist (drawer or writer) can be a part of many duos or groups.

 3. The pages should be in a vertical A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm) format. On the back of each page there should be: title of the work, page number, name and surname of the author/s, their functions (artist/scenarist etc.), home address, e-mail and phone number. The names of the authors should be written only on the back of the page.

4. When sending original pages, copies or prints you should enclose a CD or DVD with the digital version of the work (tiff or jpg, CMYK, A4 – 300 DPI).

 5. The package with submitted work should also include a filled-out and signed entry form of each author, available at

 6. The works should be securely packed in a stiff, cardboard folder, which should be signed, enabling the organizers to send it back to the owner by post (copies and prints will not be returned). The organizer is not responsible for lost, incomplete, damaged or untimely competition entries.

7. The works should be sent to the following address: “EC1 Lodz – Miasto Kultury”, ul. Targowa 1/3, 90-022 Lodz, Poland with a note on the package ‘KOMIKS 2018’.

Contest Prizes: All the winners will obtain financial prizes. Grand Prix – 7 000 PLN, 1st prize – 4 500 PLN; 2nd prize – 3 500 PLN; 3rd prize – 2 000 PLN; three special awards – 1 000 PLN each. Proper tax will be deducted from all prizes.

Application fee : The participation fee is 30 PLN for participants from Poland, 10 Euros for participants from other countries. The amount should be transferred to the account: Stowarzyszenie Tworcow CONTUR, ul. Roosevelta 17, 90-056 Lodz, mBank, account no. PL66 1140 2017 0000 4902 0245 4189 (SWIFT: BREX PL PW MBK), and the confirmation of payment should be attached to the submitted work.

Application website:

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