Poetry, short story, flash fiction, novel and memoir creative writers competition 2024

International creative writers competition invites writers to submit their writing to the contest, multiple prizes are awaiting for the winners in this edition.


Provide opportunities for aspiring writers

Give new writers a route to publication through our anthologies

Create access to our partners AM Heath Literary Agency, Headline Fiction, John Murray and The Literary Consultancy

Discover new talent

Deadline 31 May 2024


Poetry. 1st Prize £5,000

Short story. 1st Prize £5,000

Flash Fiction. 1st Prize £1,000

Novel. Winner £1,500 plus package

Runner-up £750 plus package

Memoir. 1st Prize £1,500 plus package

Runner up £750 plus package

Young Writer Award £500

Dorset Award £100

Submission link 

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