OPEN CALL 2021 VII Festival Video nodoCCS

The word node can refer to different concepts depending on the field in which we move. Since we started being nodoCCS, our realities have transformed at an exponential rate, changing our way of being, thinking and interacting and modifying our expectations about our role and about the world around us.

nodoCCS presents itself as an open, artist-run platform that seeks to “create and maintain spaces” in which diverse groups and communities feel welcome to become more than the sum of their parts, and to shape porous spaces that explore the worlds of our existence, from different perspectives.

As every year we will bring together an eclectic and diverse group of people to share their videos. Poets, explorers, artists, the misrepresented and the forgotten will be part of the journey, creating digital content that will lead to offline and online events in Caracas and/or beyond.

We will practice new ways of coming together, expanding the scope of our imagination through new ways of collaborating to create and maintain spaces around video with the intention of finding urgent issues that inspire and concern us all.

Last year’s experience inspired us to go beyond the gallery space and expand the physical locations of our screenings, generate global dynamics, new ways to collaborate and above all articulate our work to this new reality. This year’s Festival programming will feature online viewing rooms, panel discussions with selected authors, experimental rooms and face-to-face events that will take place between November and December 2021, a hybrid programming that everyone can be part of no matter where they are physically located.

The VII Festival de Video nodoCARACAS takes these ideas as a basis to propose its VII Video Festival, which by reinventing itself once again reaffirms its intention to “hold spaces” for the encounter in a fragmented and strange world that inspires us to continue creating.

Deadline: OCTOBER 30, 2021

1. A maximum of 1 video per artist or collective of any theme and in any language may be submitted, although preferably subtitled in Spanish and English. The duration of the video should not exceed 6 minutes.

The selected works will be part of the programming of the VII nodoCCS 2021 Video Festival, which will take place in 2021 in different spaces and formats, both online and in person.

When you agree to participate, you acknowledge that the videos will be presented to a wider audience and you agree to be part of the new spaces and initiatives developed by nodoCCS to expand its visibility. They may be included in international curatorships that will travel to different cities with which we collaborate annually.

2. The works will be selected by a jury of international specialists coordinated by nodoCCS to be screened during the exhibitions and festivals.

3. The submission of the works implies that the artists authorize the projection of their works by the means that nodoCCS considers for its diffusion. The copyright of the work is the exclusive property of the artist who has made the work and who, in case of being selected by nodoCCS, allows its exhibition and diffusion. The screenings will always be free of charge.

4. PRESELECTION: The videos must be online, either in open, or in private version with password access.

5. SELECTION: Selected artists will be contacted by email in November 2021 and will be asked to send a digital file in the highest quality format, preferably MOV HD or MP4 HD.

6. COST: The participation in the call will have an open price that we will take as a donation to be able to carry out the management tasks, support the invited artists and collaborate with the installation costs of the festival. Therefore, there will be a donation option starting at $5.00.

7. The submission of material implies the acceptance of these rules and any aspect not contemplated in these regulations will be resolved by nodoCCS.

8. The WINNER will be announced on the first day of the festival and will be paid $100.

9. If the artist is not able to make the donation for the participation in the call, but wishes to participate proposing a video, contact us at

Video contest link:

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