INTERNATIONAL POSTER contest in Bolivia BICeBé 2025

The competition is open to design students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality.


The Biennial of the Poster Bolivia BICeBé® is the most important international event of design and visual arts in Bolivia and the Southern Cone. More than 15,000 student and professional designers have participated of the activities and from more than 76 countries around the world has been part of the exhibitions, making the BICeBé a true global celebration of design.

Entry fees:


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2025 (23:59 pm -04:00GMT)

Posters submitted may participate in the following categories:
Published works
Category A Cultural posters
Category B Social posters
Category C Advertising or commercial posters
Category E Motion Design Poster. Free Topic.
Unpublished works
Category F Topic: SLOW DOWN TO MOVE FORWARD. Students aged 18 to 25.
Category D and F will only accept originals and unpublished that have not been previously printed or published posters (including social networks, blogs websites or other contests)

A Diploma of Honor will be awarded to the First, Second and Third Place of all categories. Futhermore, Special Recognitions will be given to the Best Bolivian Poster of all categories; to the Best Bolivian Poster of Category D and to the Best Poster of Category F for Students. Awards will be announced leading up to the main event.

Poster contest Link 


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