Expression of Interest WaterAid COP26 Green Zone exhibition

What we are looking for

We are inviting artiststo submit proposals fora visually arresting exhibition tobepresentedin WaterAid’sspace at COP26, responding to the theme of ‘The climate change and water story –as told by youth’.YouwillberequiredtodesignasetofworkshopsthatWaterAidwill be running with young people in October to capture their responses to the water and climate theme. The final exhibition must in some way incorporate the outputs of those workshops. We are also looking for the exhibition to drive further understanding through participation –so would be interested to hear your ideas around how people could interact with the exhibition either physically on the day, or through a digital element. However, this is also something WaterAid are happy to work with you on and develop together once the concept is formed.


Our climate is changing at an alarming rate and it’s making it even harder for the world’s poorest people to get clean water. This is especially true for the 1 in 10 people worldwide who don’t have a reliable supply of water. More frequent and extreme flooding is polluting fragile water sources; longer droughts are drying up springs. People need a reliable supply of water that keeps pumping through flood, drought and natural disaster. Through WaterAid’s programme work and by influencing others, we must ensure communities hit hardestby climate changegetthe resources they need to prepare and recover. This must include a reliable supply of clean water, so they can stay healthy, go to school, and earn a living.We have an exhibition spaceat the COP26 Green Zone on 12thNovember and our ambition is for theexhibition to provokedialogues that deepenawareness andunderstanding of the linksbetween water and the climate crisis. We hope thata powerful presentation that foregrounds youth voices will inspire attendees to continue the conversation beyond COP.

Important dates:

Expressions of interest to WaterAid: 12th September

Appointment: 20th September

Workshops completed: End of October

Exhibition date: 12th November

Link and application

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