Call For Artists “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media”

About “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media”
The “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media” online art exhibition will take place October 20 – December 20, 2021 on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website.

Our online exhibitions attract thousands of viewers interested in art that is positive, uplifting and healing. We enjoy providing underrecognized artists widespread exposure to our international audience, direct more traffic to their websites, and expand their audience across several social media networks.

When artists apply skill, innovation and imagination to their use of mixed media there are no limits to what they can achieve! We look forward to presenting a wide variety of “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media” to present the breadth and depth these extraordinary mixed media artists are capable of creating.

Artists Who Use Mixed Media Are Invited To Submit Their Best Art

Entries accepted by using this entry form

All styles, all sizes and all 2 and 3-D Art in mixed media from all artists worldwide are welcome. 

The Curator: Renee Phillips, Founder of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, and Director of Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY states: “For this exhibition ‘Inspirational Art in Mixed Media’ I am looking for art that is a unique and creative combination of two or more different mediums. The art must have: a strong inspirational impact upon the viewer; creative originality; and superior technical skills in the chosen mediums. As part of the jurying process I will visit the artists’ websites to learn more about them and view their overall body of artwork.”  Read more about Renee Phillips. 

About Us
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS (HPAA) is a growing global community of artists, advocates, and writers dedicated to raising awareness about how ART  serves as a positive catalyst for enhancing the well-being of individuals, society and the environment. We believe that art has the power to heal, inspire, provoke, challenge and offer hope. Learn more about us.

Selections and Special Awards
At least 30 artists will have one of their entries chosen for the online exhibition on this website with their statement and a link to their website.
At least 20 artists will be chosen for articles about mixed media art. Articles will be published on this website and on the Manhattan Arts International website.
10 artists will be featured in a Youtube video on the Manhattan Arts International Youtube channel.
3 artists who use mixed media in an innovative way with exceptional skills will have a Featured Article published on this website and a link to their website.

What materials do you use in your mixed media art and why?

Basic Requirements for Artists – Please Read to Avoid Rejection
* Please submit images in JPEG format using the Entry Form
* Specifications: JPEG file size must not exceed 1 MB. Jpeg size should be at least 800 pixels on the longest side. DPI (dots per inch) can be 72-100 dpi.
* File must be labeled with FirstName _Last Name_EntryNumber.
* To avoid rejection, please submit good quality, properly cropped images.
* You must be at least 18 years of age and the sole creator of the artwork.
* A minimum of two images is required. You may submit up to six images for consideration.
* Each work of art must include at least 2 different mediums.
* You must have your own art website. (Social media platforms are not acceptable as an artist’s website.)
* An artist statement must accompany your entries, written in the first person. Write what inspires you to create art and what you like best about using mixed media. 80 words maximum.

If you don’t know how to resize jpegs read this article:

Attention Artist Members: Please don’t submit art that already appears on any page on this website.

Entries: July 22 – August 31, 2021.
Exhibition: September 20 –  November 20, 2021
All entrants will receive a confirmation of entries via email within 2 business days.
(Add and to your address book so my email will not end up in your trash folder.)
September 18: An email newsletter will be sent to all entrants with a list of selected artists.

Entry Fees 
Entry fee for 2 entries $25. Each additional entry is $10. Payable using Paypal.
Entry fees are non-refundable.

Additional Information
Please note, this is a competitive curated selection process and not all artists will be accepted. Every effort will be made to include as many artists as possible in this exhibition and in articles on this website and other websites.
As an artist who is applying for this competition you permit The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS and Manhattan Arts International to display your images on the website accompanied by your name and website.
The art does not have to be available for sale.
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS does not engage in the sale of any art featured on our website.

Art exhibition link:

Many people read our art newsletter ; you should too!