First place winner (May 2020 edition) category watercolr Artist: christgen Tori, Artwork: Authentic Breakfast

First-name : Tori
Last-name : christgen
country : United States
zip-code : 80525
biography: I’m Tori Christgen; artist and professor. I am currently drawing, videoing, photographing, and printing my way around the world. I’m based out of Colorado, USA, but you can find me, these days, strolling along the canals in Amsterdam or in a  Costa Rican jungle or maybe watching a tropical sunset, somewhere. When travelling, I use my art to document and share my adventures with friends and family, and to connect to new friends,  I meet along the way. I can’t wait to share with you my stories.
artwork: Authentic Breakfast
Medium : Marker and Watercolor
Dimensions : 3”x5”

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