Art residency in finland, Puppet artwork

The NEXT RESIDENCY IS PLANNED FOR SUMMER 2022 – June 21 to August 21, Ii, Finland (just north of Oulu). This is a collaboration between Dragon Dance Theatre and The Kierikki Stone Age village and Anna-Kaisa Jarvi is the producer for this event.

We will build two full-sized Great Hairy Mammoths that are mobile and operated by puppeteers. The mammoths will be central to the drama about species extinction, which we will create. In our story the mammoths will cooperate with the humans to save both species. The first performances will be given at the Kierrikki, Stone Age Village in Finland. Performances are scheduled for the weekend of August 6-7 and 13-14.
This is an intense, experimental and improvisational theatre lab, plus a plastic arts workshop, where we will make masks, sets and costumes. It will be a fully integrated intense experience, working with other artists from different parts of the world, as well as with local people.
This is a fully integrated, in depth, immersion a working environment, shoulder to shoulder with other artists from around the world, musicians, dancers, actors, puppeteers.
We work together in all aspects of the production, from developping the story to creating the masks, improvising the scenes and inventing the music.

Duration of residency

you can attend from 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on your interests, 
This is a 3 or 8 week project (depending on your interest, whether you want to just to the puppetry production or the theatre production or both). At first, in the mornings, we work mostly on the plastic arts building the armatures and sculpting the forms of the masks with clay. After a few days, we can start to cover the first masks with paper-mache, while other armatures are being built.In the afternoons and early evening, we work on the story itself, studying the characters, defining the conflicts, and improvising the scenes. Everyone participates and enriches the group with their ideas and input. We use a method of socializing the roles as we study the stage, the scenes and the story.


Accommodation is rustic:  Tenting is the main option; there is water, solar showers and facilities available.  
After July 15, there is the possibility to live right at the Kierrikki Stone Age center where there are dormitories.  If you prefer want to rent a room at a nearby facility, contact us and we will try to work with you to arrange a functional alternative.

Disciplines, work equipment and assistance

artists interested in sculpture, large puppetry, outdoor performances, 
poets, singers, musicians, dancers, costume making, set design, painters, 
What ever your skills, you are welcome to join and participate.  

Studio / Workspace

This is an outdoor production, open air workshop and performance area

Fees and support

The registration fee is 250 euros . This is non-refundable. Once you register, your place is reserved. Also, once you register, we can write an invitation letter which you can use to look for funding.
The 8 week residency fee is 2500 Euros. This covers your meals, plus workshop fees as well as local transport.

Expectations towards the artist

This is a collective creation and we invite everyone to participate in every aspect of the production.  

Application information

Send us a motivation letter letting us know why you are interested in participating in this project.  

Art residency link:

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