Art contest in Portugal for international artists

4 July 2022

Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.

Short description

There are three contests: drawing contestphotography contest and short film contest. These contests are part of the Short Films Festival of Biodiversity in Vila Real, Portugal. 

• Biodiversity drawing contest

“The theme of the contest is the Biodiversity, portrayed through illustrations of wildlife, flora and wild habitats.”

• Biodiversity photography contest 

“The theme of the contest is wildlife. There are four categories: Birds | Other Fauna | Flora and Fungus | Landscapes and natural habitats.”

• Biodiversity short film contest

“The main objective of the Short Film contest is to promote the biological natural heritage, namely the natural regions, the ecosystems, the habitats and the species of wild fauna and flora, through the selection and classification of cinematographic works related to this subject.”

Entry fees 

Drawing Contest: 5 €
Photography Contest: 5 €
Short film contest: entry is free.


• Drawing

Scientific Drawing
1st prize: 500 €
2nd prize: 200 €
3rd prize: 100 €

Nature Drawing
1st prize: 250 €
2nd prize: 100 €
3rd prize: 50 €

• Photo

The best photo: 500 €

Category winners:
1st prize: 400 €
2nd prize: 150 €
3rd prize| 100 €

• Short film

The winner will receive 4,000 €.

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.

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