Anime Drawing contest Frankfurt, Germany 2022
Application deadline: 1st April 2022,
Status: Applications are open,
Prizes: will be announced soon.
Country: Germany
DOKOMI organises every year an Anime Drawing Contest in Frankfurt, Germany, Multiple prizes are awarded. DOKOMI is German organisation specialised in organising anime event.
The Drawing Contest is one of the most popular contests at DoKomi. Talented artists can take this chance to prove and improve their skills. The winners will receive valuable and high-quality prizes from sponsors.
The theme for 2022 will be food passion. The presentation is completely free of your imagination. We are looking forward to receive your pictures.P
The prizes will be published soon.
Only for the art contest: Your picture and all parts of it have to be designed by yourself. Plagiarism, known as fanarts, are not allowed. Excepted are all mascots of the DoKomi. They can be used freely.
The forms for participation have to be filled out true. Only full particulars can be regarded.
You can submit several works, but only one work per person can win a prize
Submitted works can be printed and shown at the DoKomi or can be published at theDoKomi website. We will use the full names of the persons who submit the works!
The works won’t be used by anybody else than DoKomi.
Submissions of the winners will be shown at the stage program during the prize-giving.
Winners will be announced for the first time during the prize-giving at the convention.
Participants who win and are present during the prize-giving can pick up their prizes locally.
If the winner is not present he or she can send a delegate who can pick up the prize.
The winner or delegate has to show a photo ID of himself in order to receive the prize.If nobody is present to pick up the prize, it will be posted to the winner after the con.
Posting can take a few weeks because of organizational reasons
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