Opstart the Nordic Culture Fund for artists:

The Nordic Culture Fund supports projects which stimulate the development of artistic and cultural life in the Nordic region. Here you can read more about our current funding programs.

What is Opstart?

Opstart is the investment of the Nordic Culture Fund in the initial phases of new art and culture projects, designed to strengthen the Nordic ambitions of the projects. Opstart supports the joint development of promising project ideas.

Opstart aims to develop the artistic and cultural field in the Nordic region that is diverse, accessible and of high quality.

You can apply for max. DKK 25,000. There is no requirement for co-financing of Opstart.

Please note! Opstart funding is typically applied for to cover travel and subsistence expenses in connection with meetings held in the Nordic countries. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the Fund will be able to support other costs, such as fees, materials or other things needed to complete the project, to a greater extent in 2020. This means that fees may until further notice amount to a maximum of DKK 20,000 of the project’s expenses.

Deadline for applications

In 2021 you can apply for Opstart followingly:

  • 11 January – 11 June
  • 9 August – 5 December

You will get a response to your application within 20 workdays.

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