Art House Online Gallery Art Journal Contest 

Art House Galley is accepting artworks submissions to be published in our gallery for artists worldwide. Art house gallery is a big house full of artists artworks and open for visitors worldwide. Work of art is welcomed to be published in our gallery and have the opportunity to reach an international community of artist and scholars worldwide. Submissions are subject to a selection and need to meet multiple requirements. 

There are Four categories for our contest:

-Drawing, this includes any type of drawing using any drawing mediums.

-sculpture, you can send your sculpture, this includes using any material or method, you can send a photos of your sculpture from different angles.

-3D work of art using different software Autocad, Solidworks, Adobe.

-Calligraphy including (Pointed Pen calligraphy, Arabic calligraphy, Broad Edge calligraphy, Faux Calligraphy, Brush Pen Calligraphy, 

Western Calligraphy, Eastern Calligraphy).

The gallery encourages the following mediums but not limited to: 

Medium: Acrylic, Sharpie Oil Paint, Glitter Spray, Pastel on paper, mixed, Acrylic, painted wood, varnish, lim wood, Watercolor pencil, pastel on paper, ink, threads on canvas, Oil, Graphite stick, pencil on paper, Recycled Bubble Wrap, Tissue,  Paper Bags, Acrylic on FOREX, Charcoal on rives paper, Vinyl foil, Acrylic on Canvas, glazed porcelain, Marker and Highlighter, Foam and Acrylic, clay.

Themes: Skies, Botanicals, Animals, Texture and Patterns, Nature, City, Portrait, Abstract, Seasons, Colors, Landscapes, Black and white, Faces, Painting and photography, Life on earth, Contemporary, Trees and Fields, Weather, Skies, water.

Deadline for Submission: 15/02/2025.


Please read carefully the guidelines before submitting your original artwork.

-Artists have to submit their original artwork.

-There is no limit of age for applicants.

-N.B. Artwork containing scenes of explicit violence, gore, nudity, pornographic scenes, fetich content will be desk rejected.

-Submission are subject to a non refundable fees (submission fees are symbolic and aim to cover platform management).

-There is no limit of drawings submitted per contest.

-submitted artwork should be high definition, remove any background before submission.

-JPG format are accepted.

– submission size is up to 1.5 Mo.

-Art house gallery provide you the opportunity to reach potential buyers.

-Artist should provide a short biography, website or email.

-Artist should provide a complete description of their art work.

Submission fees:

After submitting your entry and if your artwork meets the requirement you will be invited to pay the application fees. You pay 15 euro for each submitted artwork. 

Selection rules

Submissions are subject to evaluation based on creativity, used medium, originality and quality of work. We believe that each piece of art has a value.

Part of the evaluation process is left to the audience, each art work once received will be published on our social media artworks will be shared on social media and top number of likes and shares will be part of the evaluation.


Selected artworks will be featured in our website and our instagram page for better visibility of their accomplishment. All accepted works will be displayed in our website, with artist name, bio, email, website, and a full description of their work.

Selected artist works are featured as follows:

Artist of the Month

Featured in Art House online gallery with an accompanying professional review and profile written by our art writer discussing you and your artwork, and selected piece(s) of your artwork.


Usage rights:

Before submitting your work to accept the agreement between the artist and the Art House Online Gallery.

– Art House Gallery online will use your photos only for promotional purpose on our website and our social media channels.

– Participants permit Art House Gallery to store select piece of work as part of present or old expo. This will be available for public viewing on our website ( –

-Chosen works will list artist name, name of work and a link back to their website or email address if they do not have a website.

– Artist shall retain all copyrights of any image they submit to Art House Gallery. – Images will not be resold, exchanged or copied from this site.


Submit your artworks together with the following info to the email address:

-Artist Name and Surname address and bio

-Artwork Name, Medium and dimension.

After first screening and if your artworks meet the requirements, you will be invited to pay the submission fees.

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