Andreu World International Design Contest

Art Contest Title: Andreu World International Design Contest

Application deadline: 29th November 2019.


* design students and to professionals,without age limit.

Contest Category:

In order to participate, contestants must design an item of furniture (seat or table) that integrates all the specifications outlined by Andreu World, S.A. in the product briefing and which resolves the accompanying technical and formal challenges in the terms indicated.

Application Steps:

Following registration, a personal file is created for each contestant. This file serves to identify the Contestant in the Contest Website during this year’s Competition and future editions.

Participants may only register themselves via the registration form available in our website. Participants may register only once. Registration is not transferable.

New participants may register by completing the form available via the Access menu in the website. Following registration, participants will be sent an email with a link to validate the registration.

Once registered, participants can identify themselves in the website using their personal password in order to consult and modify their personal data in the “Edit your data” section within the “Personal data” menu.

Participants may complete the Registration process for the Andreu World International Design Contest once they have obtained a participant number. Once you have identified yourself in the website, you can consult and request your participant numbers (for example: 20190001) in the Participant numbers section within the Inscription menu.

Each participant must request a participant number for each project presented. You can request as many participant numbers as are necessary.

The following material must be submitted by each participant:

  • A prototype of the proposed piece (scale 1:5).
  • A technical report, to be presented on 2 to 4 double-space, single-face A4 typewritten pages. 8 ½ inches x 11 inches pages for projects sent from United States of America.
  • CD or USB with plans, diagrams, sketches, reders or pictures from the model.

Particular consideration will be given to innovative contributions (based on a feasibility study), which help to increase the product quality. The following factors will be analyzed:

  • Production costs.
  • Compliance with the intended functions.
  • Ergonomics.

Designs must be submitted in such a manner as to facilitate their mechanized mass production.

All products must be original, i.e., they must not reflect previous designs.

the presentation of a creative video explaining the project and/or showing the details and model of the design will be evaluated.

The maximum video duration (*.avi) will be 2 minutes and should be created in widescreen format with a minimum resolution of 1080p (1920×1080) and maximum resolution of 2160p (3840×2160). 
File size in avi format cannot exceed 1 Gb.

The video should be uploaded to the Andreu World contest website. Once identified, access the menu option “Upload video”, where you can upload the file, renaming it with the “participant number” (e.g. “20190001.avi”).

All documentation must sent to by post or messenger service, or by delivering the project by hand to our offices, before 29th November 2019.

Andreu World, S.A., 
C/ Los Sauces, 7 Urb. Olimar
46370 Chiva – Valencia
T. +34 96 180 57 00

or P.O. Box Nº 127, 
C.P. 46370 Chiva
Valencia Spain
T. +34 96 180 57 00

Projects sent from the United States of America can be sent to the following address before 15th November 2019.

Andreu World America
Attn: 2017 Design Contest 
222 Merchandise Mart
Ste 10-132
Chicago, Illinois 60654
T. +1 312 464 09 00

Contest Prizes:

The following prizes will be awarded:

1st prize of 4000 euros

2nd prize of 2000 euros

Will be awarded by a jury composed of professionals from different sectors: Design, Industry, Media and other fields related to creative activities.

The jury will also award up to a maximum of 4, non-monetary, special mentions.

Other Contests:

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