Top 5 Art supply that you need to have:

In this post, we share with our beloved artists the top 5 artists’ supplies that you need to have as a professional artist.

1-Art desk: 

As an artist, you need to buy an art desk. You will be working for hours or maybe for days on an art piece and you have to be standing up to complete your artwork. You need then to equip your workshop with an art desk. The craft table should be adjustable. You can choose between metal one or wood it is up to you. I would assume that metal ones are more modern so it depends on the architecture in your art workshop.

2-Pencils storage:

As an artist, you want to have an organized desk and workshop. You can invite friends to see your artwork. You need to be well organized in your workshop. For that, You need to buy pencils storage where you can organize tools that you are using in your painting in a proper way. An organized workshop will help you get inspiration.  If you have pencils that you are not using for long then you can use pencils storage containers.

3-artist lighting for painting:

Having a good light for your workshop is really important, avoid painting during the night, leave windows or doors open for better light. You can put two or three desk lamps in your workshop.

4-Artist brushes set: 

The brushes you use are very important and make a lot of difference in your work. I would recommend buying expensive ones. There are famous brands, stick to them.

5-Artist pencils sketching set :

If you like sketching you need a good set for sketching with different colors and sizes.

Art supply store:

You can by art supply online on these art supply store




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