Art residency at The Institute for Advanced Study at CEU

The Institute for Advanced Study at CEU (IAS CEU) invites applications for its Artist in Residence Program for the academic year 2022/2023. Since 2015, the Artist in Residence Program defines one of the Institute’s core programs and is integral part of its activities. Whereas in someyears an annual theme framed the program, the 2022/23fellowship offers an open call.

Details of the Fellowships

IAS CEU offers annually one Writer in Residence fellowshipand oneVisual/New Media Artist in Residence fellowshipto provide selected artists with opportunities to conceptualize and create new works while providing the fellow community with opportunities for meaningful interaction with artists working in various fields. These two residential fellowships (up to 5months each with a minimum stay of 3 months) are offered on a competitive basis to internationallyestablished as well as emerging artists, in creative writing (from poetry and prose to drama, screen and playwriting) and in the visual arts, including new mediaart (from painting to filming and from digital art to computer graphics to interactive art).

We seek artists who will be able to work independently, have a solid plan of work for their fellowship period and are ready to engage with the intellectual life at the Institute and the university. Artists in residence are expected to participate in the academic life of the community of IAS Fellows, which includes participation in the weekly Fellows’ seminar and a presentation of their own artistic orliterary work.

To be in residence at IAS CEU means to work and participate in an academic community, to receive technical and artistic assistance and to be immersed in a vibrant city’s cultural life. While in residence, artists benefit from an intense production time enhanced by the exchange of ideas and experiences with fellows of the Institute. The Institute views art and scholarship as complementary rather than separate activities, which interact dynamically and encourage mutual productivity.

IAS CEU is an independent Institute for Advanced Study. It is based at the Budapest Campus of Central European University. As of the Academic Year 2019/20 CEU is operating attwolocations, the main university attheViennaCampusand some institutes and centers attheBudapestCampus. Hosting its programsat the latter campus and inone of Central Europe’s attractive cities, IAS CEU seeks to benefit from this newarrangementandto be part of the rich academic lifeandresearch generated in both places -from its premises inBudapest, as independentandyet integral part of the university and its location right in the center of city. While CEU was forced to move its accredited degree programs from Hungary to its newcampusinVienna, theBudapestCampushosts,apart from the IAS,the bi-campuslibrary,the Open Society Archive (OSA), the Summer School Network (SUN), a number of research centresandprojectsand, since September 2020,CEU’s new Democracy Institute.

Fellowships include:

A net allowance of EUR 2,000per month + accommodation at the Raoul WallenbergGuesthouse and/or office space at IAS CEU premises as available, either of which may serve as a studio”, limited equipment and technical support from the CEU Media Lab and some research support in the range of EUR 500 -1,000. We encourage all applicants for the visual artist fellowship to inquire about existing facilities and technology available.Awarded fellows are responsible for their own travel arrangements and health insurance. Fellowships may start in October 2022. Fellows are required to be in continuous residencefor the duration of the fellowship.

Application criteria:

Applications are expected from writers and artists who

•hold a relevant university degree

•preferably are actively involved in related artistic and academic fields

•have a solid portfolio of artistic projects or writings

•show potential to deepen and grow their creative practice

•demonstrate the ability to engage with the IAS community

•are fluent in English. Former fellows of IAS CEU are not eligible to apply again for a period of 7 years.

Applications at an earlier stage may be considered only in exceptional cases.

Reapplication is possible only 3 times within a period of 5 years.

How to apply?

The deadline for application is 25 August 2021.

Application link:

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